dig into
英 [dɪɡ ˈɪntə]
美 [dɪɡ ˈɪntə]
挖掘; 调查,刻苦钻研
- Once you understand the overall organization of the material, you can dig into each chapter and learn enough to get you started.
一旦你了解了材料的整体组织,你可以钻研每一章节和掌握足够让你开始。 - You then dig into this class and extract the constituent elements.
然后深入这个类并提取构成元素。 - You can dig into this or ignore it completely.
您既可以对其进行深入研读也可以完全忽略它。 - How much should they be allowed to dig into the souls of their users?
应该允许他们在多大程度上挖掘用户的灵魂? - If you are not looking for Rational-specific information, you will want to dig into a book's table of contents to see if the material covers your needs.
如果你不是正在寻找特定的关于Rational的信息,你将需要钻研这本书的内容目录以看看是不是这本书的内容能够涵盖你的需要。 - Every year, I love to dig into the latest issue of The Chronicle of High Education's almanac.
每年,我都喜欢翻翻最新的《TheChronicleofHighEducation'salmanac.》(美国高等教育年鉴)。 - You want to dig into what makes a work environment appealing for you, including items like: how mature an industry do I want to work in?
你需要去探究什么样的工作环境对你有吸引力,比如:我希望在一个多么成熟的行业工作? - Never dig into things she would not like you to know.
不打听她不想让你知道的事情。 - Visitors will also be able to dig into Japanese sushi and Kashmiri chicken curry.
游客还可以品尝到日式寿司和克什米尔咖喱鸡。 - These people will dig into the code base and improve the documentation.